All Committees Update

Dear Members,

Having representation on national committees within CUPE (Canadian Union of Public Employees) is a significant achievement for Local 4070 and its members.  We are very pleased to share with the membership we had three of our members selected to participate at this level.

Lobbying and advocating for your interests at the national level can yield several key benefits which are:

Amplification of Voice: By having representation on national committees, Local 4070 ensures that its concerns and priorities are heard by a wider audience within the union. This amplification of voice can lead to greater visibility and influence in decision-making processes.

Policy Influence: National committees often play a crucial role in shaping the policies and priorities of the National Union. By participating in these committees, Local 4070 can directly influence decisions that affect flight attendants and workers across Canada. This involvement allows the union to advocate for policies that address the specific needs and challenges faced by its members.

Networking Opportunities: Participation in national committees provides valuable networking opportunities for Local 4070 members. They can connect with representatives from other locals and exchange ideas, strategies, and best practices. This networking can strengthen solidarity within the union and foster collaboration on common issues.

Access to Resources: National committees often have access to resources and expertise that can benefit Local 4070 and its members. This might include research, training programs, legal support, or funding opportunities. By being involved at the national level, Local 4070 can tap into these resources to better serve its members and advance their interests.

Overall, having representation on national committees within CUPE empowers Local 4070 to effectively advocate for its members and advance their interests at a broader level. It strengthens the Local Union's position, enhances its visibility, and reinforces its commitment to collective action.

National Health and Safety Committee

CUPE’s National Health and Safety Committee provides leadership in occupational health and safety for all CUPE members.

The committee recommends measures, programs and campaigns to the national union ensuring that health and safety issues stay at the forefront. 

Alex Grigoriev –a WS YYZ CCM, and Secretary Treasurer Local 4070 is one of the handful of members amplifying our voices and our industries concerns with the National Occupational Health and Safety Committee.  As part of our strategic planning Alex also took on the role of Executive Liaison to the Work place Health and Safety Committees for both Mainline and Encore and sits on the Policy Committee as well for WestJet.  To learn more follow the link:  Health and Safety | Canadian Union of Public Employees (

National Global Justice Committee

The National Global Justice Committee administers CUPE’s Global Justice Fund and provides focus to CUPE’s global justice work.

This committee’s work with strategic international partners helps build a global movement to oppose corporate privatization, trade, deregulation, and increased threats to security, peace and human rights.

Mauricio Meijia – YYZ CCM, Former Base VP of WR YYZ and former member of the National Pink Triangle Committee is one of the members of this important group doing meaningful work on behalf of Local 4070. To learn more follow the link: National Global Justice Committee | Canadian Union of Public Employees (

National Pink Triangle Committee

The National Pink Triangle Committee promotes and defends the rights and freedoms of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and two-spirited (LGBTQ2+) persons. Active participation from the LGBTQ2+ community in coalitions, lobbying and campaigns contributes to the education and awareness of the lives and perspectives of LGBTQ2+ people amongst CUPE members, within CUPE structures, in workplaces and communities.

Allan Ramsarran – WS YYZ CCM, Former Base VP of Swoop, Committee member previously has been an advocate for these matters and uses his platform to advance the Flight Attendant perspective on a national level. National Pink Triangle Committee | Canadian Union of Public Employees (

Your Local 4070 Executives:

President, Alia Hussain
Vice President, YWG Base VP, Tyson Conrod
Recording Secretary, Calvin Gautschi
Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Grigoriev

WestJet Encore YYC Base VP, Heather Crippen
WestJet Encore YYZ Base VP, Marcus Johnstone-McKinney
WestJet YEG/YVR Base VP, Chris Brewer
WestJet YYC Interim Base VP, Lisa Blayney
WestJet YYZ Base VP, Bryan Hansraj


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